For anyone following the current comics, a quick update: this week’s pages will appear Tuesday and Thursday again. I’ve been trying to alternate Monday/Wednesday/Friday updates with Tuesday/Thursday updates, but for a number of reasons I’ve fallen slightly behind.
Category Archives: Comics
Harpies and Peanuts
Wilde attributes this joke to Carlyle: a biography of Michelangelo that would make no mention of the works of Michelangelo. So complex is reality, and so fragmentary and simplified is history, that an omniscient observer could write an indefinite, almost infinite, number of biographies of a man, each emphasizing different facts; we would have to read many of them before we realized that the protagonist was the same.
—Jorge Luis Borges, “On William Beckford’s Vathek”
In the early 16th century, aspiring artist Bartolomeo Torri was thrown out of his teacher’s home after he got a little too absorbed in his anatomy lessons: “for he kept so many limbs and pieces of corpses under his bed and all over his rooms, that they poisoned the whole house,” wrote Giorgio Vasari. Cherubino Alberti fixated on medieval siege engines and filled his home with model catapults. Later, Franz Xavier Messerschmidt believed he was pinched and abused by a “Spirit of Proportion” who could be warded off by pulling grotesque contorted expressions, which Messerschmidt recorded in sculpture.
Margot & Rudolf Wittkower’s Born Under Saturn is a history of “the Character and Conduct of Artists,” as the subtitle puts it. And, yeah, a lot of these guys are characters. Others were normal, well-behaved types, but, honestly, you’re not going to read this book for Rubens or Bernini. But Born Under Saturn isn’t a freak show. The Wittkowers are analyzing popular ideas about artists, and although stories of eccentricities, feuds, and crimes make this book more readable than a straight academic treatise they also serve a purpose: the varied mass of biography breaks down cultural stereotypes about artists.
Rocks are Inadequate Monsters
I have a guest comic strip up today at Scary Go Round, having managed to score a runner-up slot in this year’s strip competition.
Punch, You Baffle Me
What in the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is going on in this cartoon?
(From Punch, March 5, 1919. As for the artist–sorry, no clue. The signature is almost illegible and there’s no credit at Project Gutenberg.)
Candy-Colored Animism
[This is a brilliant exegesis on Jim Woodring’s _Frank_ stories] [mo], viewed as a détournement of the conventional anthropomorphic, mutable world of classic cartoons.
It gets right to the heart of what makes these stories so beautiful and unsettling. In Jim Woodring’s world everything is potentially alive, and alien; anything might in an instant become a sudden threat or a transcendent miracle, or both.
>The frowning, peering, waterspout. The gawping foliage… I’m not sure I’d describe any of this stuff as friendly, and I’m certainly not sure its apparent intelligence is in any way human. We might find something of who we are scattered across the million masks of God that form Frank’s home – this place is anthropoland, after all – but that doesn’t mean we’ll happen upon ourselves offered back up to us in an easily recognizable form. In Frank the singing trees may possess the operating system of a shark, and the houses all the winning charm of the octopus. We’re out of the comfort zone of simple anthropomorphism and entering the realm of primal animism.
[Read the whole thing] [mo] at [Mindless Ones] [mo2].
(Link via [Journalista] [j]. And everyone knows [Jim Woodring has a blog] [wm], right?)
Thought for the Day
Dave Sim may or may not be a misogynist, but he sure is completely and utterly fruit-loop crazy!
The Entire History of the 21st Century in One Panel
Small Comfort
Just for the hell of it, here’s the latest drawing from Super Doomed Planet Comics:
The Greatest Soap Opera Doctor Comic Strip Ever
It’s Willis Barton, M.D.… the sensitive plastic surgeon.
Apart from the scant information and two strips on this blog, I can find absolutely nothing about this thing on the internet. (Hey, Fantagraphics! How’s about doing The Complete Willis Barton?)